
#green walls

/ 4 Stories

What colors go with olive green walls: 7 stylish matching ideas for a gorgeous result
ColorsGreenWall paint
What colors go with olive green walls: 7 stylish matching ideas for a gorgeous result

Olive green finds itself on the color wheel between yellow and green, and, as you probably know, it is traced…

Green accent wall: 16 ideas with photos + inspiration for any room
GreenIdeasWall decoration
Green accent wall: 16 ideas with photos + inspiration for any room

Many interior designers call green a universal color. It is in harmony with most other shades. Creates an elegant combination…

Living wall: 16 interesting ideas for a vertical garden
IdeasWall decoration
Living wall: 16 interesting ideas for a vertical garden

The accent wall made of plants is an original design technique. It helps to add originality to a room or…

What curtains go well with green walls?
CurtainsGreenWall decoration
What curtains go well with green walls?

The choice of green for walls in a house or apartment is a somewhat non-standard solution. And yet, many are…

Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries