What colors go with olive green walls: 7 stylish matching ideas for a gorgeous result

Olive green finds itself on the color wheel between yellow and green, and, as you probably know, it is traced to actual olives. It is a calm and neutral color. But there is more to come. Did you know that it is a versatile shade of green, and a splash of olive green could bring calmness into any room? Consider yourself lucky if you opted for this color as it will definitely enrich your room decor and offer it an aesthetic look. 

If you wonder what the best color match for olive green walls is, you came to the right place. We have prepared a list of 7 stylish matching ideas that will complement the color of your walls and even bring in a new sparkle. It should be noted that there are different shades of olive green, but we tried to find a suitable color for each of them, and you will notice that as follows.  All you have to do is scroll through the list provided by us and get inspired. As regards the result, don’t worry. It will speak for itself.  

3 starting points to be considered

  • If you would like to emphasize the olive green of your walls, consider bold complementary colors, such as different shades of red or violet.
  • To achieve a natural look for your room, pair your green-olive walls with different shades of gray, such as navy and light ones.
  • If you are looking for a color that would not be much different from olive green, consider the slightly related ones, such as yellow and green.

Olive green & beige

Both colors are neutral and are not far from each other. Therefore, this combination will be perfect as beige will complement the space left by the olive green and preserve the environment set by the latter.

Consider beige for decorative elements, such as curtains in the bedroom or furniture in a living room. You can even use beige in an olive green bathroom for the tiles. Either way, this color match will bring calmness and comfort to your room.

Olive green & tan

Tan is a yellowish shade of brown, which means that it would match the olive green walls as perfectly as a brown branch matches the olive. Therefore, you will achieve a natural look for your room. Furthermore, this combination will install coziness and preserve comfort in the room.

If you are wondering how you can apply this idea to your room, here is the answer: consider tan for frames, for little details of the furniture, or other decorative elements that will serve as a point of interest on the olive green background.

Olive green & maroon

Maroon is a dark shade of red, which makes it look similar to brown. Nevertheless, it is a mute color, thus, not making an impression similar to the one that is produced by red. If you want to make a statement, but not in a bold way, we suggest you consider this color. In combination with olive green, it will bring control to your room.

Furthermore, this color match will establish a traditional look for the room and comfort. It should be noted that maroon is versatile as it is associated with autumn leaves that tend to change their color. Thus, based on the decorative elements you use this color for, you can change the environment in the room.

Olive green & navy blue

Would you like to bring the ocean breeze into the neutral space of your room with olive green walls? If this idea inspires you, consider navy blue in combination with olive green. The former one will fill the space left by olive green and enrich it with new elements of interest. Furthermore, navy blue units into an olive green room will be like a touch of freshness.

If you wonder how this combination can be integrated into your room, consider navy blue for pieces of furniture or other decorative elements that will be emphasized on an olive green background.

Olive green & gray

Consider different shades of gray for olive green walls if you want to achieve a natural result. Furthermore, these colors will complement each other and lead to harmony both in the decor and environment.

We suggest you consider gray for furniture, particular parts of the wall, or other decorative elements. Whether you like it or not, a slight touch of gray will change the picture and bring balance to the olive green background.

Olive green & yellow

As it was mentioned earlier, if you don’t want to opt for a much different color in an olive green environment, consider yellow. It will complement the given background and offer it a new sparkle. 

Consider yellow for details such as small pieces of furniture or decorative elements that will play as points of interest. This way, you will not deviate much from the initially set atmosphere and add at the same time a touch of positivity.

Olive green & red

Would you like to make quite an impression with your style? Consider red with olive green walls. It will bring a new sparkle to the room and penetrate the comfort zone with new emotions. 

Use red for furniture or decorative elements to balance this contrast and add a fresh touch to your room. Don’t forget to use the colors appropriately, trying to find the balance and not let red cover entirely the uniqueness of the olive green walls.

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